It was a friend I met at American University during my first semester of graduate school who gave me the final encouragement I needed to apply to the exchange program in Sciences Po. She was an exchange master student herself from Geneva and was really helpful in answering all my questions, so I hope I can do the same for you with this post.
I can start by telling you that if you are hesitant on applying to an exchange program at Sciences Po, you should not think about it anymore and just do it. Coming to Sciences Po and living in Paris has been one of the best experiences of my life so far.
The Academics
School in France is different than in the U.S. You will be taking 5 or more classes so be ready to juggle a lot of reading, group projects, presentations, essays and exams.That being said, it is all manageable and worth it. I was a bit concerned that I wasn't getting enough development economics classes at AU so I loaded my schedule with classes of that sort at Sciences Po. I'm extremely happy with my classes and feel like I'm learning a lot.Tips
* Because Sciences Po master exchange students have last pick on registration day I had to register in classes I didn't want to because all the other ones were full. The official version is that once the registration day is over, you can't register in a class. This is not true, if you go to the right person, they will do everything to help you and will enroll you in the classes you wanted as long as there is room. I was able to drop 2 classes and enroll in two others that were full at first but became available after some other students dropped them.* The library is PACKED!!! Be ready to study in whatever corner you can find in the floor of the library. There is an overpopulation problem at Sciences Po so it can be hard to find room to sit down and read or use a computer.
The Sports
At Roland Garros- The French Open Venue |
*If you like playing tennis, the district of Paris offers an online reservation system that is open to all people with a Paris address. There are a lot of public tennis courts throughout the city and they cost 5-10 euros an hour. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to play tennis while in Paris but I managed to find a tennis partner and now I play every week! Living in Paris Issue
Versailles |
*"Take my flat" is a website where the Sciences Po community can offer or rent places. You need a Sciences Po email account to access it. I found my studio there and it worked out perfectly. No agencies, or paperwork. www.takemyflat.frFrench People
I was told I was going to have a hard time in France because people weren't very nice. This is absolutely not true. On average, people are friendlier in the U.S. than in France but French people are friendly and nice. Try to come to Paris with an open mind and you will be pleasantly surprised.The Language
Take advantage of the language classes Sciences Po offer, they are included in your tuition and are really good. The university facilitates a language exchange program among students, just like the one at AU. On top of that a lot of French students are eager to practice English or Spanish (or any language you speak) so it won't be hard to find language buddies. Finally, Sciences Po offers 20 minutes-tutoring sessions. I went last week with a pronunciation question and they were very helpful.Tips
*If you speak a bit of French don't hesitate to practice, French people really appreciate when you try to speak in French. They might switch to English right away but they will definitively appreciate the fact that you are trying.. Also, when I speak in French and don't know a word, I just ask the person I'm talking to how to say a word in French. People will help you.The Friends You Will Make
Nuit Blanche |
Also, because all these students come from other countries they are just like you in the search for new friends. I though I was going to be alone all the semester but in fact I have always something to do!
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